Why indoor cycling is the ultimate workout for new mums

Working out can be challenging, particularly for new mums who are feeling a little overwhelmed, not only with the new journey of motherhood but finding their new fitness level or health routine. Indoor spin classes took Hollywood by a storm, and are still popular in Australia, even for new mums. Here are some reasons why indoor cycling is the ultimate workout experience for new mums.
Change of scenery
Indoor cycle classes are a great way to really escape your everyday scenery. Finding a studio such as CycleBar, you can step into a energising room with neon lighting that completely transform your normal atmosphere, making it the perfect place to escape and focus on yourself. CycleBar are not only a studio but they have a great sense of community with like-minded individuals who often catch up before or after the class.
Energy booster
Indoor cycling classes are famous for their sense of atmosphere. With their energetic classes, CycleBar are lead by motivational instructors, helping boost morale throughout the class and encouraging you to reach your personal goals no matter where you are on your fitness journey. You are sure to leave your class with lots of happy hormones!
Weather friendly
Another great thing about indoor cycle classes is that they are completely weather friendly and can be enjoyed throughout any season of the year. Having the option to book in classes without having to worry about weather is another way to stay motivated and find something that you can commit too each week to help you get back into your fitness journey.
Full body workout at your own pace
Cycle classes are not only going to be amazing for your legs, but also help you target other muscle groups such as your core. Open to people of all types of fitness level, being a new mum this is a great way to start at a beginners level and work your way up to an advanced level, taking the time you need to do so.